Prism Platform – Patch Notes April 2023

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Application Features

New Features

  • Automation Centre – Prism now supports the creation of automated processes to greatly assist users with their issue remediation, Users are able to pick from six different triggers Active Exploit, Exploit, Asset Priority Rating, Issue Severity Rating, Issue Keyword and Tags. Once a trigger has been set users can select from eight different actions Assign a User, Assign to Teams, Create a Jira Ticket, Create a ServiceNow ticket, Recast an Issue, Assign a Tag, Change an Issue Status or Assign an Asset Priority Rating. With the easy to use process builder users will be up and running in minutes.
  • New Integration – Microsoft Defender – Prism now supports the ability to connect your Microsoft Defender 365 instance, allowing you to import daily, weekly or monthly vulnerability data into Prism. Defender provides almost real-time vulnerability data for your assets. Bringing this information into Prism will provide users greater visibility but also use Prims powerful reporting capabilities to add further context to these results.
  • New Integration – AWS Inspector – Prism now supports the ability to connect your AWS Inspector instance, allowing you to import daily, weekly or monthly vulnerability data. Amazon Inspector is an automated vulnerability management service that continually scans AWS workloads for software vulnerabilities and unintended network exposure. Prism supports findings from your ECR, EC2 and Lambda functions. Bringing this information into Prism will provide users greater visibility but also use Prims powerful reporting capabilities to add further context to these results.
  • Compare Results – This feature has become so popular we have provided a dedicated menu item and allowed the comparing of any two phases or scans side by side. Previously this was only available for vulnerability scanning projects, now any project type can be used for comparison.
  • Trending Data – The main dashboards have been updated to trend vulnerability scanning data more accurately. Now Prism will track those peaks and troughs precisely given any remediation activity that has occurred within a given month. This may mean that you will see a change in historic trending and metrics but current issue data will be unaffected.

Platform Improvements

  • Issue Filters – CVSS score has been included and can be selected within the configurable columns.
  • Results → Issues – Default columns have been changed to remove remediated on and replaced with assigned to.
  • Additional Testers – When more than one tester is assigned to a phase or scan this will be accurately displayed within the phase view.
  • Dashboard Filters – The remediated widget is now included when users filter the main dashboard widgets.
  • ACL Rework – Improved the View all issues within tenant ACL to assist with those clients that have a multi company setup.
  • User Roles – Users can now apply multiple users to a user role.
  • Spreadsheet Exports – Number of instances column has been included into spreadsheet exports. Also, tags are now alphabetized.
  • Edit Phase/Scan Details – Users can now edit the phase/scan details from the actions menu when within a phase/scan.

Operational Features

New Features

  • Service Provider Accreditations – Security service providers can now include their industry accreditations within Prism which will be included within the first page of generated reports. Accreditations can include CREST, CyberEssentials, CyberScheme, ISO etc…
  • Tenant Deletion – Security service providers now have the ability to delete tenants within their tenant overview area. Tenant deletion will go through a two step approval process and 24 hour cool off period before a tenant is permanently deleted.
  • SSO Only Login – Users can now request to remove the standard Prism 2FA step when using SSO as their preferred login.

Platform Improvements

Document Creation – Numerous improvements have been made to this feature following user feedback. Users can now perform the following:

  • Link questionnaires to a document template
  • Custom paragraph spacing
  • Adjust template margins
  • Table of contents stability improvements
  • Text colour enabled
  • Mapping and validation of variables improvements
  • Inserting, editing and removing of pages improvements

